Books like How We Decide, Phantoms in the Brain, Incognito, and others are the boulders in that same rockslide tumbling after Malcolm Gladwell's bestsellers that tumbled after the work of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky that rest at the bottom of a mountain with Thinking Fast and Slow arriving at the top of that heap moments ago. These three bones are known as the ossicles. What does the cochlea do The cochlea has little hairs around it that send sounds to the auditory nerves. What does the eustachian tube do The eustachian tube evens out the air pressure in the ear drum. An Ear consists of three major sections namely: Outer Ear, middle ear and Inner Ear. Vibrations inside the ear are amplified by the three bones, namely the hammer, anvil and stirrup in the middle ear. The hammer, anvil, and stirrup transmit sound waves from the ear drum, to the inner ear. Ear in the human body performs two functions, namely: Hearing and maintaining the balance of the body. You see a mass epiphany, people everywhere seeing the human experience in terms of illusions, delusions, foibles, vestigial evolutionary strategies and other hand-me-downs. Vibrations inside the ear are amplified by the three bones, namely the hammer, anvil and stirrup in the middle ear. If you write a blog that became a book called You Are Not So Smart, you get invited to conferences about the human experience and see it as a sign that your book is a pebble in a rockslide. If you are an astronomer, the Earth is a pale blue dot. If you are a physicist, the brain is made of atoms formed in a star. The malleus is atached to the tympanic membrane. What type of basic tissue type is cartilage a. This histology test bank is also useful for the histology questions on the USMLE (USMLE step 1). the collection of the hammer/anvil/stirrup (bones in the ear), The three small bones found in the middle ear (the malleus, the incus, and the stapes) that help to amplify the vibrations from sound waves. Instructions: For each histology question, pick the one best answer. If you are a biologist, bodies are gene-replicating devices. a tiny U shaped bone that passes vibrations from the anvil to the cochlea. It's a play on words, French words, that describes how you often see the world through the narrow lens of your profession. I think this is true, but that might be because of something Maslow's Hammer is sometimes likened to, a form of confirmation bias called déformation professionnelle.